#Ihsan one of the #Syrian_Forum 6 institutions distributed 7500 food packages to the IDP in #Aleppo Suburbs #Syria
#Ihsan one of the #Syrian_Forum 6 institutions distributed 7500 food packages to the IDP in #Aleppo Suburbs #Syria
#Ihsan for Relief and Development is committed to contribute to the reviving of the agricultural sector through a series of development projects in agricultural and #food security sector.
Wheat is one of the most important and strategic crops as it is considered the daily sustenance for people.
In 2015, FAO estimated wheat production in Syria at 2.445 million tons, which means a deficit of 800 thousand tons.
Field trips by Ihsan’s team to monitor wheat plantation process in#Sermin, Idlib’s countryside.
“Home Gardens” an agricultural project executed by #Ihsan in the besieged areas north of #Homs – Syria.
Within its series of Food Security programs, Ihsan for Relief and Development started its project of Home Gardens in north Homs (Rastan – Talbiseh – Alghantu – Gurnata – Zmimir – Dair Al Foul – Alfarhaneyeh – Almakrameyeh – Alshabaneyeh and Alzafarana).
The project covers 2000 acres of potatoes and beans, 2 acres for each beneficiary/farmer.
The project spans over six months, during which Ihsan will provide the farmers with seeds and appropriate fertilizers, as well as the necessary equipment, fuel and pesticides.
In cooperation with Physicians Across Continents, Ihsan for Relief and Development, an institution of the Syrian Forum, distributed 250 packages of frozen meat donated by the Islamic Bank of Development. Each family received 2 KG of meat, as a part of a campaign to provide 1200 packages of frozen meat to villages throughout Lattakia, ending on Tuesday August 18th. Ihsan is one of the several organizations operating inside Syria which has joined this campaign.
Ihsan for Relief and Development signed a contract for receiving and distributing health baskets provided by the WFP during September 24-25-26, 2014. A group of international monitors oversaw the operation of receiving and transporting the baskets on Syrian soil. The WFP provided approximately 5000 food baskets with a variety of grains, oils and canned foods. The number of beneficiaries of this project is estimated to be 25,000 people. It is worth noting that each basket weighs 50 kgs.
Ihsan for Relief and Development coordinated with Human Appeal to support a Al-Ghadafeh Bakery in rural Idlib by providing 50 tons of flour on September 8, 2014. The goal of the project was to activate the bakery, which provides bread for token prices to 8000 residents in four nearby villages. One ton of flour is enough to produce 10,000 loafs of bread.
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