İhsanRD Koruma Programı. toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddet mağdurları için özel hizmetlere erişim, şiddet riskini önleme prosedürleri dahil, korunma faaliyetlerinin sonucu olarak risk altındaki kişilerin korunmasını iyileştirmeyi, Çocuk Koruma konusunda asgari çocuk koruma standartları çerçevesinde çocukların yüksek kalitede hizmetlere erişimini sağlamayı ve gençlerin güçlendirilmesi programları aracılığıyla ergenlerin ve gençlerin psikolojik ve yaşam koşullarını iyileştirmek için, patlayıcı risklerin etkisini azaltmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Ulaşılan Faydalanıcılar

(English) “Your Health is a Trust” Initiative to Raise Health Awareness in Wadi Haj Khalid Camp

(English) Awareness Activities for Children at Al-Itqan Center to Enhance Skills and Self-Confidence

(English) Equipping a Child-Friendly Space at Dar Al-Hanan Center in Armanaz

(English) Our Psychosocial Support Activities Are Fun-Filled Adventures

(English) Providing a Safe and Supportive Environment for Children

(English) Empowering Women in Atarib: Technology Courses and Family Awareness

(English) Visit of UNICEF Delegation to Ihsan Warehouses in Azaz to Enhance Cooperation

(English) UNICEF Delegation Visits Child-Friendly Center and Abad Al-Rahman Camp in Azaz

(English) Children’s Creativity in Designing Robots at Kafr Karmin Center

(English) Creative Journey with Colors of Hope at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmin

(English) “Early Learning Tools at Home” Sessions at Al-Itqan Center in Harem

(English) Formation and Training of Community Child Protection Committees in Northwest Syria

(English) LEGO Inspires Creativity at the Child-Friendly Center in Jarablus!

(English) Distribution of Personal Hygiene Kits in Al-Ziyara Camp, Ma’arrat Misrin

(English) Shaping the City of Dreams with LEGO Skills at Child-Friendly Centers in Azaz and Al-Bab!

(English) Awareness Seminar on Civil Status at the Legal Clinic in Jindires

(English) Robotics Activities for Girls at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Atarib

(English) Recreational Activities for Children at Harbanush Public Protection Center

(English) “Working Together” Activity with LEGO at the Child-Friendly Center in Idlib

(English) Raising awareness of children’s rights at the “Legal Protection of Children” event in Armanaz

(English) Panel Discussion at the Legal Clinic in Jindires

(English) Enhancing Women and Girls’ Skills at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmeen through Robotics

(English) Creative Atmosphere with LEGO Cubes at Child-Friendly Center in Jarablus

(English) With Smiles and Dedication, Great Protection Teams for Children in Northwest Syria

(English) Empowering Women in Northwestern Syria

(English) Children’s entertainment event in Jindires for Eid Al-Fitr

(English) Visit by a delegation from the Syrian Forum’s Board and UNICEF to the Child-Friendly Space and Soussian Water Station in Al-Bab

(English) Specialized training in case management and psychosocial support

(English) UNICEF delegation visit to Child Protection Center in Idlib

(English) Psychosocial support sessions for children at Souran Al-Iz Center

(English) LEGO activity for young girls in Idlib

(English) Legal Awareness Initiative: “Property Ownership Chaos” in Armenaz

(English) Awareness Sessions for Parents at Qatar Al Nada Kindergarten in Deir Hassan on Home Learning

(English) Robot Programming for Young Girls at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Atarib

(English) Interactive sessions at the Child Protection Center in Soran Al-Iz

(English) Robotics Activity for young girls in Kafr Karmeen

(English) Psychosocial support sessions for children in Harbnoush

(English) Training mothers in parenting skills in northwest Syria

(English) Distribution of personal dignity kits to beneficiaries in Jinderes

(English) Psychosocial Support Sessions at Souran Al-Izz Center

(English) Women Empowerment: Handicrafts and Wall Decor Training in Atarib

(English) Training Child Protection Teams with LEGO in Idlib

(English) Child Protection Training at 4 Educational Centers

(English) Solidarity in Jinderes with the Victims of the February Earthquake

(English) Honoring the Syrian Civil Defense Team in Harbanoush

(English) Resilience in Action: Syrian Women Turning Economic Challenges into Opportunities for Change and Empowerment

(English) Child Protection Centers: Providing a Safe Environment for Children to Play and Learn

(English) Conclusion of the 16-Day Campaign Against Violence: Emphasizing the Role of Women in Building Syria’s Future

(English) Child Protection Centers: Safe Environment to Enhance Children’s Lives in Times of Crisis

(English) Champions of the Camps League in Harbnoush: Enhancing Community Cohesion and Developing Skills for Displaced Children

(English) Launch of 16-day Campaign to Combat Violence Against Women in Northern Syria: Strength in Leadership and Solidarity

(English) Recreational and Educational Activities for Children in Camps: Enhancing Personality Development and Building Self-Confidence

(English) Life Skills Program at the Women’s Innovation Center: Empowering women and boosting confidence

(English) Girls Learn Robot Assembly and Programming at the Women’s Innovation Center

(English) Breast Cancer Awareness: Educational sessions and activities to limit the spread of the disease in October

(English) Training adolescent girls at the Women’s Innovation Center on robot programming for the development of creative thinking

(English) Educational and entertaining sessions, along with the distribution of wristbands, to enhance awareness and safety

(English) A visit by a UNHCR delegation to the Harboush Center: To enhance protection and assistance for Syrians

(English) Psychological Support and Relief for Women in Idlib: Enhancing Adaptation Capacities After Bombardments in Salqin

(English) Honoring the memory of colleague Intisar Badawi: A symbol of strength and dedication during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

(English) Breast cancer awareness in northern Syria: Efforts to improve healthcare access and promote early detection

(English) Women’s Creativity Center in Armanaz Trains Over 300 Women in Sewing

(English) More than 250 children participate in the back-to-school campaign in Harem, with health and awareness activities

(English) Sewing training for 100 women at the Women’s Support Center in Armanaz

(English) 200 women graduate from literacy program in Akhtarin

(English) Activities for children in northwest Syria: mobile centers and teams

(English) Training Women and Girls in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

(العربية) أمراض نفسية قد تؤدي إلى الانتحار .. إرث الحرب الممتدة في سوريا منذ سنوات

(العربية) كالتشوهات النفسية .. هل تقتصر مخلفات الحرب على الأسلحة؟

(العربية) منها الاستغلال الجنسي .. عواقب عمالة الأطفال على النازحين السوريين

(العربية) فقدان الوثائق المدنية تحرم الأطفال من الالتحاق بالمدارس .. ما الحل؟

(English) The importance of child-friendly spaces

(العربية) المراكز المجتمعية ودورها في تمكين أهالي الشمال السوري

(English) Today’s Robot Builder – Tomorrow’s Doctor

How the legal awareness team at IhsanRD helps IDPs to obtain legal documents

Çocuklar, yerinden edilme durumuyla karşılaşıyor. Mobil Koruma Ekipleri, yerinden edilmiş çocuklara nasıl yardım ediyor

Learn about the campaign “16 days of activities to combat gender-based violence”

Parenting Skills Program at the Women’s Creativity Center

Women’s Creative Center in northern Syria

Mobile Protection Teams at IhsanRD respond to IDPs

Youth Support Center in Jarablus

Success Story from Women’s Creativity Center

Learn about the mobile teams within the protection program at IhsanRD

Students’ trip in Daraa Governorate

Scouts activity, Child Friendly Space in Homs

Mohammed’s passion for color turns into a source of income – Youth Support Center


İhsan Derneği 2017 Kadın Yaratıcılık Merkezi projesini tamamlamış olup yeni yılda projeyi genişletmeye hazırlanıyor.

Çocukların isteklerini gerçekleştirilmesine doğru, Suriye Sivil Savunma Merkezi gezisi- Humus

Beşinci dönem finalinde Armenez bölgesindeki İHSAN DERNEĞİ’NE ait Çocuk Dostu Merkezi Çocuklarla açık gün faaliyeti tertip etti

Öz Güven ve Geliştirme Muhammed için başarılı olmanın yolu- Video

Çocuk Dostu Merkezinde acil durum planı videosu – Doğu Guta

İHSAN DERNEĞİ’NİN ekibi, Çocukları Eğitim Sistemine kazandırma çabası doğrultusunda Suriye’nin kuzeyinde 1000 Okul Çantası dağıtı

İHSAN İNSANİ YARDIM VE DAYANIŞMA DERNEĞİ’NİN Koruma ekibi Kriz Esasında Çocuğu Koruma eğitim programını tamamladı

Kadınları destekleme ve güçlendirme projesi kapsamında Kadın Yaratıcılık Merkezi ve Yeniden İstikrar Sağlama Komitesi arasında yeni işbirliği yapılmaktadır

(English) Child Friendly Space in Eastern Ghouta continues its activities through an emergency plan

(English) Afforestation activity for children of the Child Friendly Space in the northern Homs countryside – Video

(English) IhsanRD team with children on the International Day for People with Special Needs

(English) Opening Women’s Creative Center in Kbassin

(English) IhsanRD and Youth… New and diverse horizons within Youth Support Center in the northern Homs countryside

(English) Women’s Creative Center opens its doors in the city of Kabassin

(English) Find out about the mobile team at the Child Friendly Space in Tqad

(English) On International Children’s Day, the children of northern Homs countryside stand with the sieged children of Gouta

(English) Women’s Creative Center in Khabasin supported by IhsanRD is preparing to receive the participants

(English) Despite war and siege, Child Friendly Space (CFS) concludes the 3rd session in eastern Ghouta

(English) Child Friendly Space supported by IhsanRD in Jarablus ends its second session with the participation of 590 children

(English) Closing the second session of Women’s Support Center in Jarabulus

(English) With participation of 342 trainees, the Women’s Support Center in Armnaz has completed its fourth session

(English) Despite the siege… The children continue activities in Ihsan’s child friend center in Ghouta

(English) Child’s Friend Center in Taqad continues to hold activities for children in its fifth scheduled session

(English) Continuing vocational courses at the Youth Support Center in the northern Homs countryside

(English) Child-Friendly Space Exhibition in the Besieged Eastern Al-Ghouta

(English) Child-Friendly Space in Aramanaz Activities

(English) First Aid Course – Creativity Woman Center – Armanaz

Sığınmacılara yönelik yardım kapsamında İHSAN İNSANİ YARDIM VE DAYANIŞMA DERNEĞİ

Homs’un Kuzey kırsalında İhsan Gençlik Destek Merkezi’nde gençler için rekreasyonel etkinlikler

Women’s Creativity Center – in Al-Mashhad district – #Aleppo