
Electronic food voucher project

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Mrs. Amira fled out with her children from the besieged Ghouta towards northern Syria.
“During the siege we couldn’t afford to live, and couldn’t find anything to eat except for the grass we collect.
Now, I can see happiness on my children’s faces while they having what they have used to eat everyday”.
During the month of Ramadan, Amira was able to bring food to her family and benefit from the e-voucher provided by #IhsanRD.

Emergency response to IDPs in collaboration with UNICEF

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In cooperation with our partners, #IhsanRD is meeting the needs of displaced families in northern Syria through the provision of water and sanitation services, and the distribution of hygiene and dignity kits to as many people as possible.
Your support will help us deliver assistance to the most vulnerable people in Syria, especially among displaced communities.

Women’s Creative Center in northern Syria

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“At first we were a little scared of going to the women’s support center, but later we became as one family at the centre… I recommend all the women to come and learn at the center.” – One of the trainees in the sewing class at Women’s Creative Center supported by IhsanRD.

Distribution of food baskets in cooperation with WFP – Video

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“Humanity means giving. When God secures your own humanity, you will give everything you have in return.” – Ghayath, a director of aid distribution point at IhsanRD.

IhsanRD team, in collaboration with the World Food Program, continues to provide food baskets to reduce the burden on displaced people and achieve food security for people in northern Syria.

Livestock Support Project

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In Livestock Support Project funded by KSRelief, not only are we delivering cows to the most vulnerable families, but we also follow-up and coach them on techniques to ensure that each family will be able to produce dairy and other products to rely on itself and earn a living.

Youth Support Center in Jarablus

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In order to empower young people, help them secure professional qualifications, become socially self-reliant individuals, and to be effectively involved in building their communities, the Youth Support Center in Jarablus opens its doors with funding from KSRelief .

Rehabilitation Of main bakery in Mohambel

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At IhsanRD, we believe that our mission to support food security in Syria is not limited to emergency response in the form of food baskets, but also to provide sustainable services through the rehabilitation of bakeries and different food facilities. Watch how IhsanRD’s team rehabilitates the main bakery in Mohambel in partnership with Welthungerhilfe and funded by German Foreign Office, serving more than 50,000 people in 12 villages around the town in Idlib.

Story of Thabit – Home Gardening Project

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In the Home Gardening Project, we do not only provide agricultural tools and resources, but IhsanRD’s team also trains beneficiaries to be more productive and self-reliant. In the video, watch how Thabit benefits from the training and support provided by IhsanRD to convert his land into an income source for his family.

Success Story from Women’s Creativity Center

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“It is a great feeling to make clothes for my family and children and to help my husband during these difficult circumstances.” Participant in the Women’s Creativity Center.

More than 5,000 women benefit every month from IhsanRD’s Women’s Creativity Centers inside Syria.