Following-up to the implementation of the Small-Grants Project in the northern countryside of Aleppo, funded by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre.
After collecting the applicants’ requests to the project in Al-Bab and Jarablus cities and verifying these requests to reach the most people in need and eligible beneficiaries who were selected after ensuring that their applications were aligned with the criteria set for this project. The beneficiaries were trained in groups of 25 or 30 trainees to ensure that the idea was well explained and get the best possible result. The training subjects concentrate on project planning and implementation, writing proposals, conducting economic studies of these projects, taking into account the principles of safety and security at work and environmental principles.
Through this training, IhsanRD aims to support beneficiaries in planning and developing their ideas and giving them the opportunity to increase income and achieve sustainability in their future projects. On the other hand, the training courses will support the beneficiaries to apply for subsequent grants to support them for the implementation of their future projects.
The Small-Grants Project is part of many projects funded by KSrelief in several Syrian governorates aimed at strengthening the resilience of the Syrians to face the harsh conditions they have suffered since the beginning of the war, also, aim to transfer beneficiaries from the state of dependence on relief assistance to work and production.