
Legal Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Awareness Seminar on Civil Status at the Legal Clinic in Jindires

By | Latest News, News, Protection

Our teams at the Legal Clinic in Jindires organized an insightful panel discussion focusing on civil status issues and the importance of their legal documentation such as marriage, divorce, birth, and death. The event was attended by beneficiaries, community leaders, and camp managers, providing a comprehensive perspective that serves diverse segments of society.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #legal #awareness #family #community

Raising awareness of children’s rights at the “Legal Protection of Children” event in Armanaz

By | Latest News, News, Protection

At the “Legal Protection for Children” event in Armanaz, our team focused on raising awareness about children’s rights and the importance of protecting them from all forms of abuse and exploitation.

We conducted workshops for parents and interactive activities that emphasized appropriate ways to handle child rights concerns and how to report violations.

We also offered educational sessions to equip children with the knowledge to understand their rights and protect themselves in a safe and effective manner.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #legal #awareness #family #community #Children #childcare

Legal Awareness Initiative: “Property Ownership Chaos” in Armenaz

By | Latest News, News, Protection

To enhance legal awareness in protecting real estate property rights and preventing future legal risks, the General Protection Team in Armanaz launched an initiative titled “Real Estate Chaos” to help people understand the importance of registering and securing property ownership, the role of the Real Estate Affairs Department and the Property Registry, and the correct legal procedures for transferring ownership. During the event, consultations were provided to more than 100 people in order to rectify the legal status of properties. Also in attendance were others interested in real estate matters and the head of the Property Documentation Department in the area.

#Development #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Protection #awareness #estate #legal #chaos #future