
Community Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Supporting Small Projects and Vocational Training to Build a Strong Community

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Through supporting small projects and providing vocational training, we strive to create an environment that offers real opportunities for growth and prosperity for the people.

These initiatives not only improve individuals’ living conditions but also contribute to building a strong, sustainable community capable of self-development.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #economy #sustainable #development #stability #community #support

Sustainable development in northern Syria relies on the integration of efforts to achieve balance

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Sustainable development in northern Syria relies on the integration of efforts to balance economic, social, and environmental needs.

Enhancing economic empowerment improves the quality of life, strengthens social stability, and creates new opportunities for future generations.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #economy #sustainable #development #stability #community

Distribution of Personal Hygiene Kits in Al-Ziyara Camp, Ma’arrat Misrin

By | Latest News, News, Protection

As part of our ongoing initiatives to support over 1,500 women in camps across Northwest Syria, our teams have provided personal hygiene kits and essential supplies to more than 450 women in the Al-Ziyara camp in Ma’arrat Misrin. This effort aims to improve their living conditions and overall well-being.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #camp #hygiene #women #girls #personal

Awareness Seminar on Civil Status at the Legal Clinic in Jindires

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Our teams at the Legal Clinic in Jindires organized an insightful panel discussion focusing on civil status issues and the importance of their legal documentation such as marriage, divorce, birth, and death. The event was attended by beneficiaries, community leaders, and camp managers, providing a comprehensive perspective that serves diverse segments of society.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #legal #awareness #family #community

Raising awareness of children’s rights at the “Legal Protection of Children” event in Armanaz

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At the “Legal Protection for Children” event in Armanaz, our team focused on raising awareness about children’s rights and the importance of protecting them from all forms of abuse and exploitation.

We conducted workshops for parents and interactive activities that emphasized appropriate ways to handle child rights concerns and how to report violations.

We also offered educational sessions to equip children with the knowledge to understand their rights and protect themselves in a safe and effective manner.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #legal #awareness #family #community #Children #childcare

Panel Discussion at the Legal Clinic in Jindires

By | Latest News, News, Protection

As part of our efforts to raise legal awareness, our team organized a panel discussion at the Legal Clinic in Jindires. The discussion addressed topics related to marriage and divorce, and their positive and negative impacts on families and communities. The panel featured experts in humanitarian field and local officials to shed light on these issues and exchange experiences and opinions.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #legal #awareness #family #community

Empowering Women in Northwestern Syria

By | Latest News, News, Protection

At our Women’s Empowerment Centers in northwest Syria, our wonderful teams are committed to boosting the psychological, social, and economic capacities of women. Through awareness sessions and vocational training, along with creating a safe space for empowerment, we enhance the roles women play in family and community building. These efforts are essential to our comprehensive vision for Syria’s future.

#Development #stability #Economy #Project #Women #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment

Specialized training in case management and psychosocial support

By | Latest News, News, Protection

To enhance the capabilities of field staff and improve performance for achieving the highest levels of efficiency, our teams conducted focused training in case management and psychosocial support. These training sessions aim to deepen the understanding of child protection principles and create a secure, nurturing environment for kids, which in turn helps mitigate the risks they face in today’s challenging conditions.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #awareness #protection #community