Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program works to rehabilitate water and sanitation stations and networks, in addition to supporting the operation of water stations and providing them with the necessary materials and equipment for their work, including generators, pumps, fuel tanks, disinfectants, workers’ wages and periodic maintenance costs. IhsanRD also provides technical training courses for the station staff and organizes workshops to establish a collection system to ensure continuity of projects after the delivering to local councils.
In addition to rehabilitating the water stations, IhsanRD provides the residents with drinking water through water tanker projects to areas away from the water sources or where the water supply network has stopped working.
The program distributes hygiene baskets for families as well as providing baskets of dignity for women and adolescents in displaced camps and host communities.
IhsanRD is also implementing a project for the management and treatment of medical waste in cooperation with the local directorates of health and hospitals in order to reduce transmission of diseases and maintain public health.

Reached Beneficiaries


Enhancing Infrastructure in Al-Hawari and Al-Ayadi Camps in Killi

As part of our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects, our specialized teams have constructed bathroom blocks and installed covers for ...

Restoration of Toilets and Waste Removal in Al-Hawari Camp in Killi

As part of our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects, our teams carried out renovations of the toilet blocks and waste ...

Excavation of Sanitation Lines in Al-Ayadi, Al-Bashir, and Al-Hawari Camps to Improve Living Conditions

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the living conditions for over 5,500 beneficiaries, our teams started the installation ...

Rapid Response to Drinking Water Contamination in Jarabulus

A broken sewage pipe near the Euphrates River has contaminated drinking water in the city of Jarabulus, leading to several ...

Maintenance and Pump Installation at Al-Madinah Water Station in Barisha

Our teams are conducting maintenance works and installing a new pump for the water station in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah in Barisha, ...

Providing Clean Water in Al-Shami Camp Using Solar Energy

In Al-Shami Camp, over 900 people now have access to clean water following the installation of a solar energy system ...

Health and purity radiate throughout Al-Shahba Camp!

More than 3,200 people in Al-Shahba Camp in the Kafar Daryan area now have access to clean and healthy water ...

Providing clean water at Al-Salihin Camp in Hezreh using solar energy

Over 4,800 people now have access to clean water at the Al-Salihin camp in the Hezreh area, northern Syria, without ...

(Arabic) Completion of 6 water supply projects in Idlib camps

يتحدث مازن الشيخ، مهندس في المنتدى السوري، عن الانتهاء من تنفيذ 6 مشاريع لتوفير المياه النظيفة في مخيمات إدلب، عن ...

Installation of a solar energy system at Al-Shahba Water Station in Kafr Deryan

More than 3,200 people will have access to clean water after the completion of the solar power system installation at ...

Installing a solar energy system at the Al-Saliheen Water Station in Hirza

Our teams are installing a solar power system for the Al-Saliheen water station in the Hirza area, aiming to improve ...

Installation of solar panels at the water station in the Al-Madina Al-Munawara in Barisha

Our teams have completed the installation of the solar power system at the Al-Madina Al-Munawara Water Station in Barisha, as ...

Installation of solar energy panels in Al Medina Al Monawara water station

Our teams continue to work on installing the solar energy system at Al Medina Al Monawara Water Station, which will ...

Expansion of Water Network in Ain Mahin Camp

After completing the installation of the solar power system at the Abnaa Muhin Water Station, our teams began working on ...
/ IhsanRD, Latest News, Network, News, Wash, WASH, Water

Solar Panels for Providing Clean Water to the Community in Maheen, Northern Idlib

Over 8,200 people will have access to clean water upon finalizing the solar power system installation at the Abnaa Muhin ...

Installation of solar panels at Beit Al-Salam water station in the northern of Idlib

Our teams continue their work in setting up the solar panels at the Beit Al-Salam water station in the northern ...

Improving water services in Idlib through solar energy

More than 17,000 beneficiaries will have access to clean and usable water after the completion of the solar power system ...

Installation of a solar energy system at Al-Shami water station in the northern countryside of Idlib

In order to provide clean water to people more effectively, our teams are working on installing a solar energy system ...

Rehabilitation of Al-Ghazal Water Station and Installation of Solar Panels

In order to provide clean water to over 17,000 beneficiaries, our teams are rehabilitating the Al Ghazal water station in ...

Installation of a solar energy system in Beit Al-Salam, northern rural Idlib

With the aim of providing clean water to more than 800 beneficiaries and improving their living and health conditions, our ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Solar Power, Syira, Wash

Health awareness sessions in Northern Idlib camps

To enhance preventive health measures and advance public health, our teams organized health awareness sessions in the camps of northern ...
/ Awareness, Camps, hygiene, Idlib, IDP, Latest News, men, News, NWS, Syria, WASH, Wash, Women

Installing solar energy at the Abnaa Mahin water station

To enhance the health conditions of over 8,200 residents in the northern rural areas of Idlib and ensure a clean ...

Installation of solar energy for the Al-Shami water station in Babsiqa

In order to provide the necessary energy to sustainably operate the Al-Shami water station, and ensure the delivery of clean ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water, Water Station

Providing Clean Water and Solar Energy in Northwest Syria Camps

Ensuring access to clean water for drinking and daily use is a vital for more than two million people living ...
/ Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Providing Clean Water For 17K Beneficiaries in Western Idlib Through Solar Energy

More than 17,000 #beneficiaries from the western neighborhoods of #Idlib city will have sustainable access to clean water after the ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Solar_Energy, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Projects in Northwest Syria: Improving Lives and Building a Healthier Future

We continue to work on implementing water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in northern Syria, striving to secure a healthy and ...
/ Hygine, Latest News, News, Sanitation, Sewage, Syira, Wash, WASH, Water

Sustainable Clean Water Supply for 15,000 Beneficiaries in Hawari, Bashir, and Ayadi Camps

Over 15,000 individuals in Al-Hawari, Al-Bashir, and Al-Ayadi camps have sustainable access to clean water following the complete rehabilitation of ...
/ Camp, Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Health Awareness to Prevent Cholera in Salwa Camps

In order to reduce the risk of #cholera infection and its spread among children, our teams organize health awareness sessions ...
/ Awareness, Children, Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Constructing a Water Network to Provide Clean Water in Al-Ayadi Camp in Idlib

To provide clean drinking and personal use water for the residents of Al-Ayadi camp in the Killi area of rural ...
/ Camp, Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Building a Water Station in Al-Qunitrah to Provide Clean Water in Western Idlib

In order to provide more than 2,200 people with safe and clean water, Ihsan for Relief and Development, one of ...
/ Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water, Waterstation

Establishing Sewage Lines in Shashabo Camp in Idlib Countryside

In order to enhance the infrastructure in the camps of northern Syria, our teams have begun constructing sewage lines in ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Sewage, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Enhancing Sanitation in Deir Hassan Area to Mitigate the Spread of Diseases

In an effort to curb disease spread and enhance living standards for people in northwestern Syria, our teams cleaned and ...
/ Health, Latest News, News, Sewage, Syria, Wash, WASH

Improving Sanitation in Binnish City: A New Health System to Prevent the Spread of Diseases

With the aim of improving infrastructure and reducing the spread of diseases caused by polluted #water, our teams are working ...
/ Latest News, News, Sewage, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Building Bathrooms in Al-Hawari Camp

As part of our projects to improve the humanitarian conditions in the camps, our teams have constructed latrine blocks in ...
/ Camp, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Building a water station to serve Al-Bashir, Al-Hawwari, and Al Ayadicamps

To ensure access to clean and safe water for more than 5,500 individuals residing in Al-Bashir, Al-Hawwari, and Al Ayadi ...
/ Camp. Waterstation, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Sewage System Construction in Maarat Misrin, Northern Idlib

Our teams began the implementation of a sewage line project in the city of Maarrat Misrin in northern #Idlib. This ...
/ Latest News, News, Sewage, Syira, Wash, WASH

Building a water station in Maarat al-Akhwaan to provide clean water in northern Idlib

Construction has begun on the Ma’arret Al Ikhwan water station in northern #Idlib, which will provide access to clean water ...
/ Latest News, News, NWS, Syria, Wash, WASH, Waterstation

Distribution of hygiene kits in Jarablus: Support for earthquake-affected families to improve their living conditions

In an effort to support those affected by the #earthquake and assist them in securing healthy living conditions, Ihsan for ...
/ Earthquake, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Rebuilding the Hiir Jamous Reservoir in Harim

Our teams completed the construction of the Hiir Jamous well in the city of Harem in the #Idlib countryside. The ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Construction of the Hawari Water Station to serve camps in northern Idlib

More than 15,000 people in northern #Idlib camps will have access to clean water, as our teams began #construction works ...

Promoting Handwashing Culture: Activities for Children in Northwest Syria Camps on World Handwashing Day

On the #GlobalHandwashingDay, our #child protection teams organized various activities in camps in northwest Syria, #aiming to enhance children’s #awareness ...
/ Handwashing, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Constructing a water station in the village of Al-Quneitra, west of Idlib, to provide clean water

More than 2,250 #beneficiaries in the #village of Quneitra, west of Idlib, will receive clean water through the construction of ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Building a water station in Maarat Al-Ikhwan, northern Idlib, to provide clean water.

Our teams are building a #water station in the town of Maarat al Akhwan, north of #Idlib, to improve the ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Constructing a water station in Filon, southern Idlib, to provide clean water

Construction work has begun on the Fayloun water station in southern #Idlib, which will provide safe access to clean water ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH, Water

Sanitation Project Provides Safe Environment in Al-Khateeb Camp northern Idlib

The sanitation project in Al-Khateeb camp in Kafr Lusin, northern Idlib, continues to provide a safe and healthy environment for ...
/ Idlib, Latest News, News, Sanitation, Syria, Wash, WASH

Rehabilitation of damaged toilets in 75 schools in Idlib

As the new school year draws near, our teams, in cooperation with UNICEF, are working to rehabilitate and construct restroom ...
/ Education, Education, Latest News, News, Schools, Syria, Wash

Improving the living and health conditions of displaced people in the Salqin countryside

In an effort to help 23,600 internally displaced persons, our teams distributed hygiene kits to people in the rural Salqin ...
/ Health, Latest News, Life, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Health Awareness in Idlib and Azaz Camps: Preventing Chronic Diseases and Personal Hygiene

More than 150,000 beneficiaries in 115 displacement camps in A’zaz and Idlib received awareness sessions on general health and the ...
/ Children, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Installation of a Sanitary Sewer Network in Jabal Harim

More than 10,800 people residing in 6 camps located in the Harem Mountain are benefiting from the sewage network extension ...
/ Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Improving Water and Sanitation Services in Salqin Camps

Within the 12 temporary shelters and camps in Salqin, over 11,500 individuals are benefiting from essential water and sanitation services ...
/ Health, Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

More than 115 thousand beneficiaries will be able to access clean water

More than 115 thousand beneficiaries will be able to access clean water after completing the restoration of 9 high water ...
/ Latest News, News, Syria, Wash, WASH

Rehabilitation of the water system in Kafr Nasih town

The war in Syria has caused a lot of destruction in the water infrastructure, and many health facilities have been ...
/ Latest News, Wash

Sultan gets a high school diploma and takes a seat at the university

Sultan al-Jassim “Abu Mohammed” from the town of Souran, in the northern countryside of Hama, was a local teacher in ...
/ Education, Latest News, Success Stories, Wash

Emergency response to IDPs in collaboration with UNICEF

In cooperation with our partners, #IhsanRD is meeting the needs of displaced families in northern Syria through the provision of water and ...
/ Latest News, Shelter&NFI, Videos, Wash

Medical Waste Management

In the absence of the official institutions, the management of medical waste poses a challenge to the hospitals in northern Syria ...
/ Latest News, Videos, Wash

The continuation of various activities in water, hygiene and emergency response for displaced people within the joint project between IhsanRD and UNICEF

The activities of the project, initiated by IhsanRD in early March, will continue in cooperation with the United Nations International ...
/ Latest News, Shelter&NFI, Wash

IhsanRD responds to IDPs of eastern Ghouta

As the continued displacement waves from the eastern Ghouta and neighborhood of Al-Kadam in Damascus is still arriving to the ...
/ Latest News, Shelter&NFI, Wash

In partnership with UNICEF, IhsanRD has launched a project to respond to displaced people in the north of Syria

During the war years in Syria, displaced people have been suffering from lack of drinking water in the camps, which ...
/ Latest News, Wash

Rehabilitation of sanitation system

text here Latest News“Your Health is a Trust” Initiative to Raise Health Awareness in Wadi Haj Khalid CampThursday July 4th, ...
/ Wash

Rehabilitation of Ein Souda Water Station – Video

Ihsan for Relief and Development team rehabilitated the Ein El-Souda water station in the western region of Idlib, in addition ...
/ Latest News, Videos, Wash

IhsanRD team distributed 5100 hygiene kits to IDPs in the southern countryside of Idlib

In response to the needs of increasing numbers of displaced persons from dangerous areas, where clashes are continuing to reach ...
/ Latest News, Wash

Qastoon water station serves 16,000 people in Hama countryside after been rehabilated by IhsanRD

Villages in Syria suffer from great difficulty in accessing safe water, especially during the last years of war, which caused ...
/ Latest News, Uncategorised, Wash

Water goes back to Ain al-Souda after rehabilitation project of the water station implemented by IhsanRD

Ihsan for Relief and Development team rehabilitated the Ein El-Souda water station in the western region of Idlib, in addition ...
/ Latest News, Wash

Rehabilitation of Maisarouna Water Station

Rehabilitation of Maisarouna Water Station in Ildeb governorate to secure water for more than 8000 persons including IDPs and residents of ...
/ Latest News, Videos, Wash

projects in WASH program, ‪#‎Ihsan‬ started the first phase in preparing an artesian well in Aleppo

Civilians in ‪#‎Syria‬ are not only suffering from ‪#‎bombing‬, they are also suffering a drinking ‪#‎water‬ crisis and lack of alternatives. It is an endless ...
/ Rural Aleppo, Syria, Wash, WASH

‪#‎WASH‬ Program,installed three water stations in three areas in syria

Many areas in ‪#‎Syria‬ are suffering from an acute shortage of ‪#‎water‬, as the result of expanding the besieged areas, an preventing water ...
/ Idlib, Syria, Wash, WASH