
Visit Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Visit of UNICEF Delegation to Ihsan Warehouses in Azaz to Enhance Cooperation

By | Education, Latest News, News, Protection

A delegation from UNICEF visited the warehouses of Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in Azaz at northern Aleppo.

The visit aimed to strengthen the ongoing collaboration between the two organizations and to review the operational procedures to ensure that the necessary security measures are in place to protect the warehouses.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #warehouse #NorthernSyria #relief

UNICEF Delegation Visits Child-Friendly Center and Abad Al-Rahman Camp in Azaz

By | Latest News, News, Protection

A delegation from UNICEF visited the Child-Friendly Center in Azaz, managed by Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, as well as the Abad Al-Rahman camp. The visit aimed to review the services provided to children and conduct interviews with the protection team and beneficiaries. During their visit, the delegation attended a LEGO activity, which is organized by our teams in the protection centers to enhance children’s creative skills and develop their cognitive abilities.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #NorthernSyria #protection #children #camp #develop

A Delegation from UNICEF Visits Ihsan Relief and Development Warehouses in Sarmada

By | Latest News, News, Shelter&NFI

A delegation from UNICEF visited the warehouses of Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in Sarmada, as part of the ongoing efforts to enhance humanitarian cooperation between the two organizations.

The visit aimed to review storage methods and procedures to ensure the safety of relief materials. Additionally, the delegation verified the implementation of necessary security measures to protect the warehouses and ensure aid reaches beneficiaries safely and efficiently.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #warehouse #NorthernSyria #relief

A delegation from UNICEF visits to support school infrastructure improvement in Afrin

By | Education, Latest News, News

A delegation from the Education Team at Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, along with the UNICEF team, visited Maryamayn, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, and Al-Imam Khatib schools in Afrin, which receive over 2,400 students.

The visit aimed to assess the schools’ needs for maintenance and partial renovations, including infrastructure, school furniture, and child-friendly green spaces, and it comes as part of our efforts to support and enhance the educational environment in these schools.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #education #schools #studentlife #students #visit #UNICEF #restoration #rehabilitation

Assessment of Al-Hassania School Renovation in Rural Idlib

By | Education, Latest News, News

A team from UNICEF, accompanied by Huzayfa Tfankji, the Director of Education Programs at the Syrian Forum, visited Al-Hassaniyeh School in Idlib to assess the restoration and rehabilitation work needed for the school, which was damaged by last year’s earthquake.

The proposed restoration work includes repairing the fence and walls, insulating the roofs, maintaining the courtyard, painting the school, and creating child-friendly green spaces.

As the only school in the town, Al-Hassaniyeh serves more than 500 students and employs 35 administrative and teaching staff members.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #education #schools #studentlife #students #visit #UNICEF #restoration #rehabilitation

UNICEF Delegation Visits IhsanRD Warehouses in Rural Aleppo

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As part of the continued collaboration between Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, and UNICEF to enhance humanitarian efforts and provide essential support to the people across northern Syria, a UNICEF delegation visited the organization’s warehouses in the western countryside of Aleppo. The visit aimed to examine the storage mechanisms and procedures to ensure the safety of relief materials. Additionally, the delegation ensured that the necessary security measures are met to protect the warehouses, guaranteeing the safe and effective delivery of aid to those in need.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #warehouse #NorthernSyria #relief

UNICEF Delegation Visits Qatmah Primary School to Assess Earthquake Damage

By | Education, Latest News, News

As part of a joint project between Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, and UNICEF, aimed at improving the learning environment and providing safe and healthy facilities in more than 62 schools across various areas in Northwest Syria , a delegation of UNICEF engineers and education officials visited Qatmah Primary School. This school, which was damaged by the recent earthquake and receives 1,500 students, was assessed to identify its needs, and evaluate the current damages as part of a comprehensive plan to begin necessary repair work.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #education #schools #studentlife #students #visit #UNICEF

Visit by a delegation from the Syrian Forum’s Board and UNICEF to the Child-Friendly Space and Soussian Water Station in Al-Bab

By | Latest News, News, Protection, Wash

During his visit to northern Syria in the last ten days of the holy month, the CEO of the Syrian Forum, Ghassan Hitto, along with Dr. Ammar Kahf, a member of the board of directors, and Baraa Al Smoudi, the executive director of Ihsan for Relief and Development, visited the Child-Friendly Space and the Sousian Water Station in the city of Al-Bab today. They were accompanied by a UNICEF delegation led by Carmen Rodriguez, a GBV and GESI Consultant, and Lalit Patra, Head of WASH Program & Cluster Coordination, to observe the progress and importance of these services and social projects on the local community.

#Stability #Development #Visit #Water #Project #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment #Protection

UNICEF delegation visit to Child Protection Center in Idlib

By | Latest News, News, Protection

A delegation from UNICEF, led by Carlo Javier Auguilar, the Regional Child Protection Advisor in the Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa, visited the Child Protection Center in Idlib to review the psychosocial support and case work services provided there.

He also met with our teams working in the protection sector, in addition to visiting the University Camps and Wadi Khaled Camp to observe the situation of the beneficiaries in the camps and their need for child protection services.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Idlib #UNICEF #children #child #middleeast #camps #protection #community

Visit of UN Delegation to Wadi Ghazal School in the northern countryside of Idlib

By | Education, Latest News, News

A delegation from the OCHA and UNICEF visited Wadi Ghazal school in the northern countryside of Idlib yesterday, Wednesday, which is one of the schools supported by Ihsan for Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in partnership with UNICEF.

During the visit, David Carden, the UN Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator, emphasized the necessity of an effective advocacy program focused on enhancing and developing the education sector in Syria, which has long suffered from a lack of funding. He also stressed the importance of joint efforts and collaboration between international organizations and civil society organizations in northern Syria to support the education sector and build a better future for Syrian children.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #UNICEF #UN #visit #learn