
Camp Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

“Your Health is a Trust” Initiative to Raise Health Awareness in Wadi Haj Khalid Camp

By | Latest News, News, Protection

The Child-Friendly Center in Idlib launched the “Your Health is Our Responsibility” initiative at Wadi Haj Khaled camp.

This initiative aims to raise health and hygiene awareness among children and families through focused sessions and the distribution of educational posters, contributing to providing healthy and safe environment for everyone.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Children #awareness #protection #child #health #Idlib #clean #environment #camp

Enhancing Infrastructure in Al-Hawari and Al-Ayadi Camps in Killi

By | Latest News, News, Wash

As part of our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects, our specialized teams have constructed bathroom blocks and installed covers for drainage channels at Al-Hawari and Al-Ayadi camps in Killi.

These projects aim to enhance the infrastructure and provide safe and hygienic facilities for the residents, contributing to improved living conditions and reducing health risks in the camps.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #health #water #camp #clean #project

Distribution of Meat Shares to Over 320 Families in Deir Simaan and Al-Harsh Camp

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More than 320 families received meat shares in Deir Semaan and Al-Harsh camp.

This initiative was carried out by Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in partnership with Muslim Aid, aiming to meet some of the basic food needs of the families and bring joy and happiness to their hearts during Eid al-Adha.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #NorthernSyria #eidmubarak #AdhaMubarak #children #Udhiya #meat #camp #families #muslim #MuslimAid

UNICEF Delegation Visits Child-Friendly Center and Abad Al-Rahman Camp in Azaz

By | Latest News, News, Protection

A delegation from UNICEF visited the Child-Friendly Center in Azaz, managed by Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, as well as the Abad Al-Rahman camp. The visit aimed to review the services provided to children and conduct interviews with the protection team and beneficiaries. During their visit, the delegation attended a LEGO activity, which is organized by our teams in the protection centers to enhance children’s creative skills and develop their cognitive abilities.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #NorthernSyria #protection #children #camp #develop

Excavation of Sanitation Lines in Al-Ayadi, Al-Bashir, and Al-Hawari Camps to Improve Living Conditions

By | Latest News, News, Wash

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the living conditions for over 5,500 beneficiaries, our teams started the installation works for sewage lines in Al-Ayadi, Al-Bashir, and Al-Hawari camps. This project follows the successful completion of a water station by our water, sanitation, and hygiene teams, underscoring our commitment to providing a healthy and clean environment for the area’s residents.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #health #water #sewage #camp #station #clean

Distribution of Essential Supplies in Al-Wadi Camp in Jindires After Storms

By | Emergency Response, Latest News, News

As part of the emergency response for the storms that struck the camps in northwestern Syria, Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in collaboration with UNICEF, provided essential supply kits to affected families in Al-Wadi Camp in Jindires.

This initiative aims to alleviate the damage they might incur due to the current adverse weather conditions.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #winter #rainyday #camp #suffering #storm #Weather #provided

Distribution of Personal Hygiene Kits in Al-Ziyara Camp, Ma’arrat Misrin

By | Latest News, News, Protection

As part of our ongoing initiatives to support over 1,500 women in camps across Northwest Syria, our teams have provided personal hygiene kits and essential supplies to more than 450 women in the Al-Ziyara camp in Ma’arrat Misrin. This effort aims to improve their living conditions and overall well-being.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #camp #hygiene #women #girls #personal

Graveling Al-Iman Camp in Jindires to Enhance Safety

By | Latest News, News, Shelter&NFI

Al-Iman camp in #Jindires is now safer than ever!

Our teams have graveled the camp site to enhance the safety of residents and reduce the risks and accidents caused by the mud, facilitating the movement of people, especially the elderly and children. This also eases the entry and exit of vehicles, improving the delivery of essential services more effectively.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #camp #suffering #Support #services #site #safety