

“Your Health is a Trust” Initiative to Raise Health Awareness in Wadi Haj Khalid Camp

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The Child-Friendly Center in Idlib launched the “Your Health is Our Responsibility” initiative at Wadi Haj Khaled camp.

This initiative aims to raise health and hygiene awareness among children and families through focused sessions and the distribution of educational posters, contributing to providing healthy and safe environment for everyone.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Children #awareness #protection #child #health #Idlib #clean #environment #camp

Awareness Activities for Children at Al-Itqan Center to Enhance Skills and Self-Confidence

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In the Al-Itqan Center, Ihsan Relief and Development’s protection team provides meaningful awareness activities for children. Children learn how to develop their life skills and build self-confidence through educational sessions and interactive workshops.

These activities aim to offer a supportive environment for children, helping them grow in a healthy and safe space.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #awareness #protection #child #girls #girl

Equipping a Child-Friendly Space at Dar Al-Hanan Center in Armanaz

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Preparing a child-friendly space at Dar Al-Hanan Center for children with special needs in Armanaz.

This space is designed to meet the needs of children with disabilities, contributing to the development of their physical and mental abilities. It creates a motivating environment that enhances their sense of belonging and security, and supports the development of their life and social skills.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #awareness #protection #child #girls #girl

Providing a Safe and Supportive Environment for Children

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Through our specialized child protection projects, we strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for children.

Our educational and recreational programs, along with the necessary psychological and social support, ensure their right to play, learn, and grow in a healthy setting.

This contributes to building a bright future for them despite the difficult circumstances they face.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #awareness #protection

Empowering Women in Atarib: Technology Courses and Family Awareness

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The Women’s Empowerment Center in Al-Atarib, operated by Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, works to enhance youth and women’s capacities and develop their skills through various programs.

These programs include courses in technology, such as robotics and photography, as well as awareness sessions focused on building strong and healthy families. Topics discussed include effective family communication and positive parenting approaches.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #technology #photography

Visit of UNICEF Delegation to Ihsan Warehouses in Azaz to Enhance Cooperation

By | Education, Latest News, News, Protection

A delegation from UNICEF visited the warehouses of Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in Azaz at northern Aleppo.

The visit aimed to strengthen the ongoing collaboration between the two organizations and to review the operational procedures to ensure that the necessary security measures are in place to protect the warehouses.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #warehouse #NorthernSyria #relief

UNICEF Delegation Visits Child-Friendly Center and Abad Al-Rahman Camp in Azaz

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A delegation from UNICEF visited the Child-Friendly Center in Azaz, managed by Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, as well as the Abad Al-Rahman camp. The visit aimed to review the services provided to children and conduct interviews with the protection team and beneficiaries. During their visit, the delegation attended a LEGO activity, which is organized by our teams in the protection centers to enhance children’s creative skills and develop their cognitive abilities.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #NorthernSyria #protection #children #camp #develop

Children’s Creativity in Designing Robots at Kafr Karmin Center

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Today, we witnessed incredible creativity from our children during an engaging robot design activity at the Kafr Karmin Center. This project, a collaboration between Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, and UNFPA, allows children to learn basic programming languages, think outside the box, and apply their problem-solving, creative thinking, and teamwork skills to build innovative robots.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #technology

Creative Journey with Colors of Hope at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmin

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An Artistic Journey Filled with Colors of Hope!

Young girls at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmin participated in a unique creative experience through a painting activity.

The participants showcased their talents with stunning artworks that expressed their thoughts and feelings, connecting with each other in an atmosphere full of fun and learning.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #empowerment #paint