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Press Statement from the Syrian non-governmental organizations and networks on the assault on health facilities and civilians in Idlib

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Gaziantep, February 7th, 2018 – The targeting of health facilities and civilians in Syria continues to be systematic and against the International Humanitarian Law IHL. As a result, living conditions of civilians and operational environment for aid workers in Northwestern Syria continues to deteriorate rapidly despite the frequent appeals for the Syrian regime in Damascus and its allies to stop the indiscriminate assaults.
“The systematic bombardment to the medical facilities deprives the most vulnerable civilians including children, women and elderly of getting their most basic rights,” says one of the doctors operating in Idlib. “Hundreds of thousands have been displaced recently, along with roughly three million as well, are suffering from an acute shortage of resources and extreme difficulty in accessing health services in Idlib.”
Since the beginning of 2018, Health cluster in northern-Syria reported 41 attacks on health care facilities. Such as the attacks on Saraqeb Primary Health Care Center and the National Hospital of Maarat al-Numan on Sunday, February 4th and the attacks against Health Center in Tell Mardikh and the Surgical Hospital of Kafranbel on Monday, February 5th. In addition to attacks against health care, civilians are still systematically being targeted in Syria. On Sunday, February 4th, 17 civilians reportedly suffered from suffocation symptoms as result of inhalation of chemical gas believed to be “Chlorine” directly after an airstrike on the town of Saraqeb in northwestern Syria.
The targeted facilities are situated in one the fourth agreed de-escalation zones whose agreement states on decrement of military hostilities, protection of civilians and increment in humanitarian access. These assaults are only adding to the continuous violation of International Humanitarian Law in Syria.
“The systematic targeting is an intentional method to deprive some area of health care services and so to harm as many civilians as possible to forcibly push them for displacement,” says Dr. Abdurrahman Alomar, the National Coordinator of North Syria’s Health Cluster. “We demand a cessation of medical facilities attacks as they don’t relate to any of conflict parties or military action.”
We, the signatories below, strongly condemn this brutal targeting, and demand United Nations leadership and agencies to work tirelessly for the protection of all civilians, medical and humanitarian staff in Idlib and affirm on standing by them. We call on the Syrian regime in Damascus and its allies to neutralize civilians, medical and humanitarian workers, keep them away from all forms of combat, and respect the IHL. We call on the member states and Security Council to ensure that perpetrators must be held accountable to deter them from future attacks on civilians and humanitarian workers.
For Media Inquiries:
Dr. Mohammed Alhammadi, Coordinator of Syrian NGO Alliance (SNA)
+90 (535) 368-5851
 The League of Syrian Networks including:
a) Elaf Union for Relief and Development.
b) Syria Relief network.
c) Syrian General Union – SGU.
d) Union of Syrian Civil Society Organizations.
e) Platform of Syrian Associations (Suriyeli Dernekler Platformu)
f) WATAN Network.
g) Syrian NGOs Alliance, Consisted of:
1. Al Sham Humanitarian Foundation – AHF.
2. Big Heart Foundation.
3. Binaa Organization for Development.
4. Ghiras Al Nahda.
5. Ghiras Foundation for Child Care.
6. Hand In Hand for Syria.
7. Ihsan for Relief and Development – IRD.
8. Masrrat – The Syrian Establishment For Human Care & Enhancement.
9. Physician Across Continents – PAC Turkey.
10. Syrian American Medical Society – SAMS.
11. Syrian Expatriate Medical Association – SEMA.
12. Social Development International – SDI.
13. Syria Relief and Development – SRD.
14. Syria Relief-SR.
15. Takaful Al Sham Charity Organization.
16. Union of Relief and Medical Care Organizations – UOSSM.
17. Violet Organization for Relief and Development.
18. Shafak.
 Syrian Network for Human Rights
 Other Organizations:
19. Minber Alsham
20. Center for Civil Society and Democracy CCSD
21. Women Now for Development
22. Emissa
23. Basamat for Development
24. Syrian Feminist Lobby
25. Syrian Activists Monitoring Organization
26. Alkawakibi Organization for Human Rights
27. White Smile
28. Independent Doctors Association
29. Space For Peace
Photo: SAMS

Towards continues cooperation, Ihsan for Relief and Development signs a new agreement with King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center

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Ihsan for Relief and Development has signed a joint cooperation agreement with King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center, during the ceremony held in Gaziantep/Turkey, involving a number of Syrian organizations that have signed cooperation agreements in several projects, funded by the King Salman Center.
On behalf of IhsanRD the agreement was signed by Mr.Braa Al-Smoudi, the Executive Director of IhsanRD, in the presence of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Turkey “Eng. Walid bin Abdul-Karim” and many Turkish public figures. King Salman Humanitarian Relief Centre will support IhsanRD through funding two projects inside Syria, the first project in the protection sector aims to Open and support community centers that provide psycho-social services and vocational training for children and women, with a grant of one million USD, about 30,000 beneficiaries within the project. The other project is valued at $ 860,000 in the Food Security and Livelihoods Sector, which aims to provide small grants to 2700 beneficiaries in the governorates of Homs and Daraa.
Mr. Bara Al-Samoudi, Executive Director of IhsanRD, stated: ” This grant from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center to support a relief projects in Syria, is important because it reflects the solidarity of the Saudi people with their brothers in Syria who have been exhausted by years of war. We are proud of the successful experience and productive partnership with King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center, which began last year through the grant provided for a number of relief projects carried out by IhsanRD”. At the end of his speech, Mr.Barra Al-Samoudi thanked the Turkish government for hosting the Syrian refugees and standing by the Syrian people in its issues and providing the supportive and nurturing environment for the humanitarian organizations.

As part of its Emergency Response Plan for IDPs, IhsanRD has distributed food baskets in Idlib countryside

By | FSL, Latest News
As the number of displaced people in rural Idlib reaches to about 400 thousand displaced according to the “Response Coordinators of northern Syria” on Monday, 05-02-2018, many humanitarian organizations are still working to provide the necessary needs of displaced families who are living in tragic conditions which is getting worse in the cold winter, However, there remains the need for more relief efforts and for the cooperation of all parties to stop this humanitarian tragedy.
Abu Hasan, one of the displaced people from the southern Aleppo countryside, struggles with his age to look after his grandchildren who lost their father seven months ago. “I have fled from my town in the southern countryside of Aleppo to the town of Atarb. I want to protect my grandchildren … I want to take them to a safe place”. But Abu Hassan could not take anything out of his house except what he could carry with his hands, he has the only clothes which he wears. Now, he lives in a camp with his family and three grandchildren. “We have fled the bombardment, but we are still under the threat of hunger and cold,” he said.
As part of its Emergency Response Plan (ERC), Ihsan for Relief and Development works to help the newly displaced families by providing food baskets, blankets, clothing and dignity kits, where IhsanRD in cooperation with the World Food Program (WFP) has distributed 2300 food basket in the area of ​​Aazaz and 3552 food baskets in the area of Atareb and Daret Azza, the basket contains Ready-to-eat food items sufficient a family for a week.
Mr. Wael, the project’s officer within the department of Emergency Response for IDPs at IhsanRD, said: “Humanitarian organizations have been very active in the north of Syria and Idlib in particular, supporting all sectors, including health, education and relief, but the longtime of this crisis and the recent massive wave of displacement calls for more efforts to provide the displaced with life-basic food, shelter and heating materials”.
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IhsanRD rounds off the Women’s Creative Centers project in 2017 and prepares for expansion in the new year

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Conclusion of the final session in 2017 within the Women’s Creative Centers project implemented by Ihsan for Relief and Development in Armanaz, Souran and Jarablus, as well as the newly opened Kabbasin Center, following the great success achieved by the listed three centers in providing support to women and girls participating in the development life skills, entertainment activities and awareness raising. The centers include activities and multiple classes in literacy, computer skills, sewing classes, wool knitting, English classes and hairdressing classes, as well as life skills sessions for girls. The activities of the centers also include mobile teams conducting awareness sessions for women and girls outside the center.
Hanan, one of the participants in the center, said: “I joined the Women’s Creative Center supported by IhsanRD to learn sewing and develop my work skills so that I can start my own project, which I have dreamed of since I was a child, to design and make beautiful dresses for brides. The center has been a great help for me and I think I am now able to pursue my dream”
Ms.Majd, the project’s officer in IhsanRD, said: “During 2017, 6,000 women and girls participated in the Women’s Innovation Support Centers through the scheduled activities within the centers, in addition to the 18,000 women and girls the project team had access to as part of the outreach and recreation activities outside the center”. Ms.Majd also added: “IhsanRD has been able to support women’s creativity and help them through this project to acquire life skills and enable them to rely on themselves and raise their awareness of the importance of their role in the community and developing of communication skills with their families, in addition to special lectures for mothers to deal with their children “
The three centers in Armanaz, Souran and Jarablus held a closing ceremony in which certificates of attendance were distributed, then an exhibition of products and works of women participating in the center.
In addition to the planned activities inside and outside the centers, the project team has distributed 27,000 dignity kits to women and girls from newly displaced families in the region.
By the end of 2017 and the beginning of the new year, IhsanRD will continue its project of Women’s Creative Centers in 2018 with a plan to extend the successful experience of these centers to other places in the Syrian governorates.
Through its projects, IhsanRD aims to support and empower Syrian women through its diverse programs, such as the Women’s Creative Centers, which are implemented by the Protection Program in IhsanRD, as well as the project of Food Processing Centers in Daraa and Idleb governorates within the Food Security and Livelihoods Program, which aims to empower widows and women directly affected by the war in Syria, by training the women to be able to work in these centers and manage them optimally, then IhsanRD team supplies them with raw materials needed to be manufactured within the centers and provide a quality product to the local market made by the hands of Syrian women.
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More than 212 thousand displaced people in need of urgent intervention in Idlib countryside

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The displacement of civilians continues in Idlib governorate as the clashes escalate and the shelling intensifies. Where thousands of people have been displaced from eastern and southern Idlib countryside, and the eastern Hama countryside towards the northern countryside of Idlib and towards the camps near the Turkish border, bringing the number of displaced to more than 212,000 displaced according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA, many of whom are displaced for the second time, some for the third time.
According to the UN, in the past week 30,000 refugees have moved into Idlib’s heavily populated cities as well as along the Turkish border, many of the displaced families still in the open struggle to find shelter with inadequate camps in the area, which have been overcrowded in the cold winter.
Mosques and schools have opened their doors to receive displaced people in many areas. However, there is still an urgent need for humanitarian organizations to intervene to provide the displaced with food, shelter, blankets, hygiene and heating materials.
The shelter absorption capacity in Idleb Governorate has already been exhausted and the current displacement is exerting a further strain on an overburdened host community. Communities and camps, already hosting thousands of displaced, are struggling to absorb new arrivals.
“We are extremely concerned for the safety of the 2.6 million people living in Idlib if the frontline continues to advance,” said Thomas Garofalo, an IRC Middle East official. “People have told us that they will have no choice but to uproot themselves once again and head further north. They will be heading to displacement camps that are already far beyond capacity, which means their situation will get even worse, in the dead of a wet, cold winter.”
Idlib is the biggest refuge for displaced people in Syria after the armistice and surrender agreements in many areas that were beyond the control of the Syrian government, which resulted in the exit of the population of these areas towards Idlib, causing the population to grow in the province.
U.N. OCHA spokesman Jens Laerke said that in Idlib province 55 percent of communities are overburdened. In around 10 percent of these communities, internally displaced persons make up more than 70 percent of the total population.
The fighting in Idlib, which has intensified in recent days amid attacks and indiscriminate bombing by the Syrian regime and its allies in front of counter-attacks, has raised fears of a humanitarian disaster in a region already crowded with displaced people.
“This displacement is the biggest perhaps in the Syrian revolution since its beginning until today,” Mounir Mustafa, deputy head of the Syrian civil defense, told the British Guardian newspaper.
“The bombing is constant. It’s not daily but hourly, on the whole region, and it seems to be completely random,” said Mustafa al-Haj Youssef, a rescue worker for the White Helmets in charge of Idlib.
“The thing that hurts us most is the double-tap strikes, when the regime bombs an area, and we go to it after receiving emergency calls, and then they bomb it again. The displacement [of refugees] is usually out of fear of indiscriminate bombing,” he said.

IhsanRD team finishes tillage and seed stage within “Intercropping” project in the northern Homs countryside.

By | FSL, Latest News
After registering the farmers in the intercropping” project,  field verification visits have been conducted and standards tests were applied on seeds and fertilizers before being distributed to the farmers.
Last week, the tillage stage has been ended, followed by seeding the fields after the fertilizing process. Sowing seeds process was under the supervision of technical engineers and standard measurements according to the modern methods of tillage and sowing. Thus, plowing and sowing of one thousand one hundred twenty-five acres for about four hundred farmers have been completed within “Intercropping” project in the villages of Rastan and Talbisa in the northern Homs countryside.
Ahmed, the Project Officer of Intercropping project in the Food Security Program at IhsanRD said: “The importance of the project is to provide benefit to farmers in two ways:
As legume crops are an important source to feed farmers’ families, local people and as a source of income as well.
It also will contribute to benefit the olive trees and the renewal of soil fertility through planting legume crops.”
This project aims to support the food security and livelihoods of people in the northern Homs countryside through the provision of leguminous seeds for planting among fruit trees, as well as, providing fertilizers and tillage of land and partial support for irrigation.

Towards the realization of the aspirations of children, a tour of the Syrian Civil Defense Center – Homs

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At IhsanRD, we work to make children’s wishes a reality … today or tomorrow.
Many children at Child Friendly Space in the northern Homs countryside wished to join the Syrian Civil Defense. Therefore, the IhsanRD team organized a field trip to visit the civil defense headquarters in Homs governorate. Where the Directorate of Civil Defense in Homs organized the activities of the definition of the role of civil defense and the importance of their work in the future chosen by children, and embodied the idea of saving lives, which is the main task of the civil defense members.
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New success achieved by the “Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning” Department in IhsanRD

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The “Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning” MEAL Department works independently of the Programs Department in following-up of the projects at IhsanRD to develop and continuously learn lessons learned and ensure a high level of control and transparency in the organization.
In addition, the MEAL Department is implementing third party monitoring projects for a number of projects implemented by other relief organizations operating in Syria. MEAL department has recently completed a third-party monitoring project to evaluate a project in WASH sector has been implemented by one of the organizations working in this field in several areas within the province of Idlib.
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Open day for children at the end of the fifth session within Child Friendly Space (CFS) supported by IhsanRD in Armnaz

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The Child-Friendly Space (CFS) Supported by IhsanRD in Armnaz held an Open Day for children on occasion of ending its fifth session. The Open Day has included a variety of activities such as games, theater performances, sketches, and workshops, as well as joint songs that have delighted the children. 428 children have participated in the fifth session of the Center’s scheduled activities for two months; it has included psychological support, recreational and awareness activities. IhsanRD team also has conducted outdoor recreational activities. An estimated 4789 Children have been reached during the fifth session.

Teachers Learning Circles, a step towards better education within schools supported by IhsanRD

By | Education, Latest News
In order to raise the level of education and provide quality curriculums for students in schools supported by Ihsan for Relief and Development, Teachers Learning Circles in each school are periodically conducted. These circles aim to discuss the work of teachers within same class or same subject, exchange experiences, opinions and suggest improvements to raise performance level of all teachers and education quality. These meetings are part of the IhsanRD project to support of five schools in the western Aleppo countryside with 3250 students.