بهدف الارتقاء بالعملية التعليمية نحو الأفضل يقيم الفريق التعليمي التابع لمؤسسة إحسان دورة تدريبية للكادر الإداري والتدريسي تتمحور حول سياسة حماية الطفل و تطوير مدونة قواعد السلوك في المدارس المدعومة من قبل المؤسسة في ريف حلب الغربي.
تفعيل أنشطة اللياقة البدنية والتشجيع على المنافسة الإيجابية من خلال #رياضة السباحة للشباب الذين أنهوا الدورات التدريبية في مركز #دعم_الشباب التابع لمؤسسة #إحسان في ريف #حمص الشمالي
بحضور #مندوبة عن وزراة #الأسرة والسياسات #الاجتماعية #التركية، ومندوبين من #المجلس_المحليقامت مؤسسة #إحسان_للإغاثة_والتنمية بافتتاح مركز #إبداع_المرأة في مدينة #جرابلس ليكون عوناً في دعم السيدات من خلال تقديم العديد من دورات #الدعم_النفسي_الاجتماعي والتدريبات المهنية المختلفة#للنساء و #اليافعات والتي تساهم في إكسابهن المهارات العملية اللازمة للدخول إلى الحياة المهنية وتحسين حياتهن الاجتماعية.
Ihsan for Relief and Development, an organization under the umbrella of the Syrian Forum, has just completed the data collection phase of the ongoing needs assessment in Lattakia, led by the Needs Assessment Department. The objective of the multi-sectoral assessment is to identify the major gaps in the non-government controlled area in order to build adequate projects in response. The Ihsan team on the ground began the assessment after receiving an in-depth training on tools and methodology. The assessment was gathered information from heads of relief committees, heads of hospitals, school managements, a random sample of civilians as well as well-known leaders of the community.
Ihsan for Relief and Development signed a contract for receiving and distributing health baskets provided by the WFP during September 24-25-26, 2014. A group of international monitors oversaw the operation of receiving and transporting the baskets on Syrian soil. The WFP provided approximately 5000 food baskets with a variety of grains, oils and canned foods. The number of beneficiaries of this project is estimated to be 25,000 people. It is worth noting that each basket weighs 50 kgs.
Syrian Forum’s Ihsan for Relief and Development completed a power supply project in Al-Hatleh village in Der Ezzor. The project entailed the purchasing, transporting, and installing of an electric power generator. The project ensures pumping water directly to village houses. Approximately 39000 people live in Al-Hatleh.
Ihsan for Relief and Development completed the distribution of assistance worth $49,571 in the last quarter of September and the first half of October 2014. Assistance included shelter supplies, health baskets and transportation allowances for Syrian IDPs in rural Idleb (the villages of Sargila, Rabia and Shanshrah). This was completed within SF’s current contract with the NGO ACTED. Ihsan’s team directed distribution operations, which were attended by Mr. Mohammad AlMasry, SF’s Idleb office manager. It is worth noting that Ihsan’s field team visited the distribution area previously in September and documented a complete absence of necessary infrastructure. Approximately 2500 IDPs reside in the distribution area.