RCCE Coordinator

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Job Purpose

To monitor RCCE activities, ensure orderly and effective delivery of services to beneficiaries, and monitor project financial management. In addition, regularly report about the projects, as well as provide support to the programs and dealing with the RSC sector.

Key Responsibilities
  • Act as official RCCE Cluster representative to stakeholders for all matters concerning RCCE, such as clusters, partners, and meetings.
  • Develop and maintain strategic relationships with other organizations, local authorities, and other actors’ representatives.
  • Maintain regular and effective communication with field staff and offices through both verbal and written correspondence.


  • Provide daily technical support to the coordination team.
  • support the development of messages.
  • communication techniques, analysis of community feedback data,
  • communication with partners,
  • facilitate coordination face to face and online meetings among partners and key stakeholders.
  • Establish a clear strategy for RCCE Programs in IhsanRD in collaboration with the Programs Manager and other related departments.
  • Support writing RCCE Activities, such as need assessments and general information for Log frames and budgets.
  • Ensure effective management & implementation of RCCE Activities in the projects, including adherence to IhsanRD’s, partners, and donors’ guidelines.
  • Ensure all RCCE activities are conducted in accordance with the agreed work plan and proposal.
  • Submit the RCCE reports to partners and donors, including activity summary, progress against objectives, Services delivered, beneficiary caseload data, achievements to date, issues faced, impact stories, and financial expenditure.
  • Evaluate implemented Activities, looking into lessons learned and applying them internally within the department.
  • Conduct and attend the necessary meetings of the RCCE clusters.


Note: The Candidate has to comply with IhsanRD’s policies and procedures with respect to the safeguarding, Code of Conduct, PSEAH, data protection and confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behavior’s protocols

the above-mentioned key responsibilities/accountabilities are illustrative ones. Other future responsibilities/accountabilities may be assigned to the job depending on the department’s organizational chart.


Qualification (Education/Work Experience)
  1. Essential:
    • Bachelor degree in engineering, Medicine or related discipline.
    • Two years of professional experience in development and implementation RCCE Activities , preferably in developing country.
    • Advanced level in both English and Arabic.
    • Intermediate level in Turkish language


  1. Desirable:
    • Advanced university degree (Master degree or equivalent) .
    • Five years of professional experience in in development and implementation of RCCE Activities , preferably in Syria crisis.
    • Native level of both English and Arabic.
    • Advance level in Turkish language


Core, Managerial &Technical Competencies


  1. Core Competencies:
§  Communication §  Teamwork
§  Planning and Organizing §  Accountability
§  Creativity §  Stakeholders Orientation
§  Commitment to Continuous Learning §  Technological Awareness.


  1. Managerial Competencies:
§  Leadership §  Building trust
§  Vision §  Managing performance
§  Empowering others §  Judgment/decision-making.


  1. Technical Competencies:
§  Very good command of Microsoft Office applications, especially Excel, and Access. §  Excellent Knowledge of Syria humanitarian context.
§  Clear understanding of the workings of major donors and their perspectives, requirements, and standards.

§  Excellent Knowledge in PMD – RCCE Sector.

§  Experience in grant writing and fund raising


IhsanRD shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs.

Interested applicants should submit their applications before the application closing by the end of 05.07.2023, and must include the following:

  • A curriculum vitae.
  • The contact details for two references (one of them should be a current employer.)

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Unsuccessful applications will neither be acknowledged nor returned. Please note that applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

مسؤول المراقبة و التقييم و المساءلة و التعلم ( إناث) – مكتب ريف حلب الشمالي – أخترين – 2111001

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المسمى الوظيفي: مسؤول المراقبة والتقييم والمساءلة والتعلم
القسم: المراقبة والتقييم والمساءلة والتعلم
المدير المباشر: منسق المراقبة والتقييم والمساءلة والتعلم في المكتب
مكان العمل مكتب ريف حلب الشمالي
الغرض من الوظيفة

القيام بجميع عمليات المراقبة والتقييم لأنشطة المشروع من أجل ضمان تنفيذها بالجودة المطلوبة

المسؤوليات الرئيسية
  • اجراء المقابلات الشفهية وجلسات النقاش المركزة وتعبئة الاستبيانات الورقية والالكترونية الخاصة بأنشطة المشروع وضمان الحصول على معلومات دقيقة .
  • التأكد من صحة البيانات التي تم جمعها و تنظيفها و التأكد من جودتها.
  • متابعة كافة أنشطة المراقبة والتقييم الخاصة بالمشروع
  • إيصال جميع المعلومات الخاصة بتنفيذ أنشطة المشروع إلى منسق المراقبة والتقييم والمساءلة والتعلم .
  • إستلام ومتابعة جميع الشكاوي المتعلقة بأنشطة المشروع
  • احترام وتطبيق جميع مبادىء الوقاية من الاستغلال الجنسي و الإساءة وإظهار الالتزام العالي للإبلاغ عن أي استغلال جنسي و إساءة تحدث

ملاحظة: المسؤوليات المذكورة أعلاه هي مسؤوليات رئيسية. قد يتم تعيين مسؤوليات أخرى في المستقبل لهذا المنصب حسب المخطط التنظيمي للمؤسسة والقسم.

المؤهلات (الدراسة  – خبرة العمل)


  • شهادة جامعية
  • سنة من الخبرة في مجال المراقبة والتقييم
  • الإلمام والالتزام بالمعايير الإنسانية
  • القيام بالزيارات الميدانية
  • مستوى جيد في اللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية.

المرغوب فيها:

  • سنتين من الخبرة في مجال المراقبة والتقييم
  • خبرة في تصميم أدوات واستراتيجيات جمع البيانات وتحليلها، وإنتاج التقارير
(الأساسية – الفنية )


§         التواصل. §         العمل ضمن فريق.
§         التخطيط والتنظيم. §         الاعتمادية.
§         الإبداع. §         التوجه لأصحاب المصلحة.
§         الالتزام بالتعلم المستمر.


§         الوعي التكنولوجي
  • الفنية
§         مهارات الحاسوب (مايكروسوفت أوفيس، إكسل(، البريد الالكتروني والانترنت.)

§         القدرة على اجراء الزيارات الميدانية

§         خبرة في تحليل البيانات باستخدام برامج إحصائية.


للذين يجدون في أنفسهم الكفاءة التقدم للشاغر الوظيفي حتى نهاية


Communication and Partnerships Officer-TR0011021

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Job Purpose

To ensure the development and timely implementation of the Ihsan communications strategies, utilizing various communication tools and platforms.


Key Responsibilities
  • Program Development:
  • Draft project proposals and concept notes in coordination with programs and the MEAL department.
  • Maintain relationships with existing donors, respond to their requests regularly and keep updating them about the work of the organization.
  • Support partnership development between the organization and partner INGO/UN Agency including attending partnership initiative meetings, workshops etc.
  • Respect and apply all the PSEA principles, and show high commitment to report any SEA action.
  • Material Development:
  • Develop communications material templates depending on target audience and goals.
  • Prepare the communication material as needed, based on the content workplan and urgent needs. Input must be gathered from the content and media development officers as well as relevant colleagues in the organization. Tools may include but are not limited to statements, newsletters, success stories, articles etc.
  • Lead on the development of talking points for staff in preparation of interviews
  • Outreach:
  • Manage Ihsan media contact database including media, supporters, partners etc
  • Prepare and pitch stories to relevant media contacts
  • Reach out to similar organizations to conduct joint media campaigns
  • Social Media
  • Help managing IhsanRD’s social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • Help managing and update IhsanRD’s website
  • Manage and respond to organizational e-mail requests and ensure proper follow-up



The Candidate has to comply with IhsanRD’s policies and procedures with respect to the safeguarding, Code of Conduct, PSEA, data protection and confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols

The above mentioned key responsibilities/accountabilities are illustrative ones. Other future responsibilities/accountabilities may be assigned to the job depending on the department organizational chart.


Qualification (Education/Work Experience)
  1. Essential:
    • Bachelor degree in Communications, Public Relations, Journalism or related discipline
    • Two years of professional experience in the humanitarian field focusing on communications, media or public relations
    • Fluency in Arabic (written and spoken)
    • Advanced level in English (written and spoken)
    • Respect and apply all the PSEA principles, and show high commitment to report any SEA action.


  1. Desirable:
    • Advanced degree in Communications, Public Relations, Journalism or related discipline
    • Five years of professional experience in the humanitarian field focusing on communications, media or public relations
    • Ability to create written content in English in highly advanced levels
    • Fluency in Arabic and English (written and spoken)



Core & Technical Competencies


  1. Core Competencies:
§  Communication §  Teamwork
§  Planning and Organizing §  Accountability
§  Creativity §  Stakeholder Orientation
§  Commitment to Continuous Learning §  Technological Awareness.
  1. Supervisor/Managerial Competencies:
§  Leadership §  Building Trust
§  Vision §  Managing Performance
§  Empowering Others §  Judgment/Decision-making.


  1. Technical Competencies:
§  Impeccable writing skills in Arabic and Strong writing skills in English §  Excellent knowledge about the Syrian humanitarian context
§  Ability to understand and utilize various media platforms including social media and traditional media

§  Advanced level in Office Microsoft

§  Good understanding of basic advocacy practices


IhsanRD shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs.

Interested applicants should submit their applications before the application closing by the end of 05.11.2021, and must include the following:

  • A curriculum vitae.
  • The contact details for two references (one of them should be a current employer.)

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Unsuccessful applications will neither be acknowledged nor returned. Please note that applications received after the closing date will not be considered.