Home » إحسان والشباب… آفاق جديدة ومتنوعة ضمن مركز الدعم الشبابي في ريف حمص الشمالي
Because the youths are the most precious asset we invest in, and because IhsanRD believes that a better society cannot be built without the participation of active youth who have the tools of production; therefore, Ihsan for Relief and Development implements several projects to support young people and qualify them on professional and social aspects to be independent individuals and self-reliant and to be also actors in building their communities.
The Youth Support Center in the northern Homs countryside is one project within the Protection program at IhsanRD. The center alternately receives male and female youth on a weekly basis, aged (16-24 years old) in English language classes, computer skills, men’s haircuts, women’s hairdressing, and first-aid classes. In addition to classes inside the center, there are external training that includes (car mechanics, motor mechanics, the electricity of cars, home painting and mobile maintenance courses).
In a related context, the center also includes many recreational activities, sports and cinema sessions as well as open discussion sessions.
About 500 boys and girls are participating in the current course, which lasts for about two months. The number of participants in the YSC project in the northern Homs countryside reached 4680 boys and girls since the beginning of 2017.